3 Steps For College Students To Get Good Career Decision Advice

3 Steps For College Students To Get Good Career Decision Advice

How can motivated, intelligent and skilled young college students know if they’re getting good advice about career decisions? How can any of us know?

I was immersed in this question over Martin Luther King weekend while mentoring at Vassar College’s 2024 Sophomore Career Connections. Over 250 students and 100 mentors attended the event at Vassar’s beautiful Poughkeepsie campus. The college has held this award-winning annual event since 2015 “to connect sophomores with alumni and parent mentors to explore professions, connect their liberal arts education to the world of work and consider how their skills and passions might translate into post-Vassar careers,” according to Jannette Swanson, Director of External Engagement at the Vassar College Center for Career Education.

After fifty conversations with brilliant and open-minded 19-year-olds, I was struck by their dazzling breadth of options and their lack of experience. They have so many choices that they know so little about and approach with such diverse personalities and emotions. Considering their challenge through the lens of my dozen years of decision-making research, I arrived at the answer below.

For good advice about career decisions, put pen to paper with these three steps to get specific advice about what’s most important to you:

  1. Write down your top five values or life goals and then write a sentence or two about how you think each career choice will impact each of them.
  2. Ask experts when you are unsure how well the job fits your values and goals.
  3. Ask your loved ones what else you could do that would fit your values and goals.

For You: Write Down Your Values And Life Goals

Before considering what career directions or jobs to pursue, write down your top five values or life goals. Think of values closest to your heart that will remain important to you in ten years. To make it real, imagine yourself ten years older: What is your life like, what are you doing, where will you be and who will you be with? Write your values down in approximate rank order, like this example from my conversations at Vassar this weekend:

  1. Helping others.
  2. Making money.
  3. Continuing to learn.
  4. Being close to friends and family.
  5. Being creative.

Some other common values and life goals include: being influential, having freedom, being a leader, living abroad, being spiritual, starting a family, staying fit and healthy. Hone your list over time as you learn and your perspectives change. This list is the foundation for your advice-seeking and decision-making. Use your values and goals to drive the career choices you consider, not the other way around.

“It feels a little cliché to say that following my dream of becoming a performer is important, but it’s true,” said Vassar sophomore and aspiring actress Katie Brady-Gold. “I’ve realized that establishing and maintaining connections within the industry is key to achieving my goal.”

For Experts: Ask About Your Values

Before talking with experts about your choices, follow this checklist, writing out the steps by hand:

  1. For each career you are considering or each job offer you get, write a one to two-sentence description of how you think it would impact each of your values.
  2. If any values feel wrong or less important than you expected while writing down your descriptions, draw a line through them to strike them out.
  3. Re-read your descriptions. If you feel even a little unsure about how the career or job would impact your values, mark them with a star
  4. Have conversations with experts about your values, especially any you feel unsure about. Experts may be people already working in that career, hiring managers or potential colleagues. If you find it helpful, write your questions down before talking with them, staying authentic to your values even if you feel vulnerable.

Here’s how that might look for someone considering a career as a military officer, again drawing from my recent experiences with Vassar sophomores:

  1. Helping others.* I would serve my country, be responsible for the people I lead, and help fight bad actors in the world.
  2. Making money. I wouldn’t make a lot of money, but many of my expenses would be paid, and I could use the GI bill to pay for graduate school after I get out.
  3. Continuing to learn. I would get leadership and practical training and be around a wide range of people I don’t have much experience with today.
  4. <strike-out>Being close to friends and family.</strike-out> I could be stationed anywhere on Earth and possibly deployed to remote places. I would be in touch online and see people when I could. I’m OK with that.
  5. Being creative.* I can be creative almost anywhere as long as I can play music and have problems to solve.

Asking an active-duty military officer or recent veteran questions such as “Do you feel like you are helping others in your job? What are some examples?” or “Is there room for creativity while on duty? Do you know anyone who plays in a band?” or “Do you miss your friends and family very much?” may not show up in standard career guide. However, such questions will elicit helpful advice tailored to the most critical aspects of your unique decision.

This exercise focuses on what’s most important to you and guides the expert to give you the advice you need. If, instead, you ask open-ended questions like “What do you like about your job?” they will tell you standard stories they may have said to themselves or others a hundred times or more. Unfortunately, such well-honed stories edit out any parts that distract from the narrative, including bits that may be precisely the perspective you need to make a good decision.

Consider Vassar student Willa Jewitt’s experience, “I had many mentor conversations last weekend, but talking with a styles editor at the New York Times
about the differences between editing and writing stood out because I realized I’d love to do both. Since we had similar interests, her advice helped me see how my goals fit in a professional context.”

For Loved Ones: Ask About What Else You Could Do

Friends and family know you best. Since they are experts on you, getting their advice is valuable. They can light up the shadows around your decisions and open your mind to ensure you don’t miss something important.

At the same time, they are the people your decision will impact most. So, they will bring their heavily edited stories to the conversation, especially stories about you that will likely bring to mind your heavily edited stories about them, too.

Navigating that advice minefield requires a Jedi mind trick: Don’t ask about the career you are considering. Instead, ask about what else you could do that fits your values:

  1. Tell them about the job or career path you’re considering as a way to introduce your values.
  2. Explain your values briefly.
  3. Ask them what else they think you could do that matches those values, taking written notes of their responses.
  4. After the conversation, read over your notes on your own, looking for patterns that help inform your decision.

For example:

“Hey Dad, I am considering being a military officer, and I had an interesting conversation with a veteran about it the other day. The conversation helped me understand four things I really value. Most of all, I feel a calling to help others. I also really want to make money, even though that seems contradictory. And I want to keep learning and be able to be creative at work. What else do you think I could do that might fit those values? Let me take some notes.”

Whatever direction the conversation takes, keep it firmly focused on your values and gently guided towards other choices. If they say, “I think you’d be a great officer, but they don’t make very much money,” don’t mention the GI bill, signing bonus and housing allowance. Instead, make a note and then ask, “What else could I do like that?” If they ask, “What does helping others mean?” explain yourself and ask, “What else does that make you think of?”

This exercise focuses on your blindspots and opens up collaborative thinking by helping your loved ones be gentle devil’s advocates for you. If, instead, you ask for their advice about the specific job decision, then all those stories will get in the way. This more open-minded conversation script lets you see through their eyes to spot meaningful opportunities or pitfalls you may miss otherwise.

“I often use my interest in education and social justice as an opportunity to reject my parents’ business expertise,” said Vassar sophomore Amelia Larson. “However, their understanding of economics and interpersonal issues helps me approach non-traditional career paths in an optimistic but realistic manner. Asking my parents for advice this way helps me fill gaps in my understanding of ‘work.’” (Disclosure: Amelia is my daughter.)

There’s Always A Catch

This advice is easy to understand, relatively easy to do and proven to help us make better decisions, but there’s a catch. Unfortunately, once we have a gut feeling about what we want to do, we suddenly become very resistant to uncertain feelings and new ideas about it.

We don’t want to write down our values, “Why bother when we know it’s a fantastic internship and only for the summer, anyway?” We don’t want to ask vulnerable questions about our uncertainties, “Why risk sounding like we don’t want the job?” We don’t want to hear other ideas, especially from people who know us well, “Why open up that can of worms when they don’t know much about the industry anyway?”

We think, “Oh, that Forbes article made sense, but it’s too much trouble. Maybe next time.”

We resist because, once we begin to decide, we are very good at creating our own convincing answers to almost any question. With answers in hand, we see little reason to do what now feels like annoying, redundant work. We suddenly convince ourselves it’s not worth spending a little time on a decision that may meaningfully affect the rest of our lives.

This problem occurs because our guts evolved long before our sophisticated intellects – consider that, every day, our pets make gut decisions, even pet fish. Our guts are powerful but short-sighted and easily fooled. They don’t know the difference between our clever rationalizations and the real world, and they don’t collaborate well with others. When asked, our guts are confident, even in the absence of critical information, even in the face of better ideas. To our guts, the tasty treats right in front of our noses are good enough.

We can overcome this mindless gut resistance by mindfully practicing the steps above for every significant decision, without expectation or argument. Fortunately, the resistance will fade each time as we have fun conversations with experts and loved ones about our most important decisions, triggering oxytocin for everyone along the way. Those conversations help us gather good advice that connects our guts to the real world. And once we connect them to the real world, our guts can confidently help us make good decisions.

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