Actor, writer and philanthropist: Frontier High/Middle School graduate Travis Flores has passed away | News, Sports, Jobs

Actor, writer and philanthropist: Frontier High/Middle School graduate Travis Flores has passed away | News, Sports, Jobs

Travis Flores, a Frontier High/Middle School graduate, actor, writer, and philanthropist, passed away May 23. (Photo provided)

NEWPORT – Travis Flores, a Frontier High/Middle School graduate and three-time lung transplant beneficiary, passed away May 23 in Los Angeles, Calif.

Flores was born in Glendale, Calif., April 7, 1991. He was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects mucus production in the body. His mom Teresa said he was diagnosed at 4 months old.

His first double lung transplant occurred in March 2015. After 2.5 years, his lungs started to collapse and a second transplant was performed in October 2017.

“When Travis was born, his life expectancy was 5 years at most,” Teresa Flores said. “Medicine started advancing at that time, which gave us more time with him.”

Despite the progress, she said Flores experienced much resistance when his lungs failed again in May 2020.

“He had to fight for that third transplant. It’s rare that a third transplant will work,” she said.

“I was told there was no third time,” Flores said in a previous Times article. “If the second set rejected, I’d have to get my things in order and my life would end.”

However, he was approved for the surgery. Teresa Flores, Travis’s husband Clément Souyri, and his brother dropped him off at the emergency room at UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital. She said it was particularly difficult because of visiting limitations due to the pandemic.

“We dropped him off with hugs and love and I’m not sure if we’ll ever see you again,” she said.

Against all odds, Flores survived the surgery.

“His surgeon told me he was the 16th person in the United States to receive a third lung transplant,” she said. “He pioneered the way for others. His case changed the way UCLA will accept patients.”

Teresa Flores said she was grateful for the generosity of organ donors and their families, as it contributed to his lifespan.

“We got nine more years with him because of the generosity of other people,” she said. “We met a donor’s family on the donor’s birthday. He blew out candles on the cake with the donor’s lungs. We’ve become good friends with them.”

She said his passions were expressing himself through art and sharing stories with others. One way he did that was creating the social media hashtag “Yellow Heart Squad,” where commenters could leave a yellow heart in comments to show support.

“He asked people to post a yellow heart and that would become whatever he needed at that moment, whether it was hugs, love, or prayers,” she said.

In 2004, Make a Wish Foundation published “The Spider Who Never Gave Up,” a children’s book Flores had written about Sparkey, a spider who couldn’t spin a web but with the support of his friends, he was able to do so.

She said Make a Wish’s Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky Chapter designed their gala in 2019 after that book.

The chapter also presented the first Travis Flores Legacy award, given to another individual or organization who gives back. It has been presented every year since then.

“Our family presented this year’s award on May 18. Travis couldn’t come because he was sick,” she said.

Flores aspirated on May 21, which caused him to become ill. Souyri took him to the hospital, where he became septic.

Teresa Flores said even in his weakest state, he was trying to communicate with his family.

“One of his friends that knew sign language was there and Travis knew sign language from elementary school. He would sign one or two letters and stop for a minute,” she said.

She said her son’s struggle with cystic fibrosis wasn’t easy and he faced many obstacles. But one thing remained the same throughout his life.

“One thing that was never taken away from him was the hope he gave other people,” she said. “He had such charisma. He radiated hope and happiness.”

A celebration of life event is planned at Newport Elementary School from 2-4 p.m. July 13. She wants people to come together and tell stories about his life.

“He’s got friends flying in from across the county to attend this,” she said.

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