Connor’s Climb founder to be honored

Connor’s Climb founder to be honored

Tara Holmes Ball, continues to work tirelessly to raise awareness and money for teen suicide prevention. Tara's son Connor Ball was 14, when he died by suicide in October of 2011.

Photo by Rich Beauchesne/Seacoastonline

EXETER — Tara Holmes Ball, founder of Connor’s Climb Foundation, was selected by Seacoast Mental Health Center to receive the Erik Cogswell Memorial Award.

The award is presented annually by the Erik Cogswell Memorial Conference Committee to recognize an individual for his/her outstanding contributions to help improve the lives of people with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. The recipient provides hope, education or support for those living with mental illness, as well as those who care for them and/or contribute to the community at large.

SMHC Executive Director Jay Couture praised Holmes for her work.

“Since the death of her son Connor in 2011 by suicide, Tara has been a tireless advocate for suicide education and prevention at the local, state and national levels,” Couture said. “Tara has shown there is hope. There are things that we as individuals, families and communities can do to understand the signs of suicide risk, mental illness and to understand what resources available and how to access them.”

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