Dawn Tufte named local coordinator for International Cultural Exchange Services – Jamestown Sun

Dawn Tufte named local coordinator for International Cultural Exchange Services – Jamestown Sun

Dawn Tufte is the new local coordinator for the International Cultural Exchange Services.

Tufte will work with international high school students and local families who host them. She will work with families and schools in Jamestown and in the surrounding area.

Tufte hosted an exchange student from Thailand. After hosting the exchange student, whe said she felt like she was meant to do it.

“It was such a rewarding experience, and we absolutely adored our student, and she truly became our daughter,” she said. “I can’t wait to host again and be part of finding families for all the students who want to experience this amazing gift we can give to the students. I’m excited to work with the exchange students because I genuinely love learning about other cultures, and I want to play a role in helping these teens experience this. I have always wanted to adopt or do foster care and have just realized that this is how I can do this.”

She said exchange students in local schools and communities increase mutual understanding and improve relationships between countries.

Tufte is currently looking for families to host exchange students for the school year of 2024. Host families provide room and board and loving parental guidance to the student.

Exchange students live as a member of the host family – not a guest or boarder. They participate in family activities, follow host family rules and help with chores.

Students have their own medical insurance and spending money to cover all personal expenses.

As the local coordinator, Tufte is available to answer questions, give advice and provide general support to students and host families throughout the experience.

For more information about hosting or working with International Cultural Exchange Services, contact Tufte at

[email protected]


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