Democracy needs youth | News24

Democracy needs youth | News24

Dorcas Dube-Londt Social Observer

Dorcas Dube-Londt Social Observer

This year’s Youth Month commemoration in June tied in with the outcomes of the country’s most momentous elections in history the 2024 national and provincial elections. As South Africa navigates the complexities of coalition negotiations, the role of active youth leadership is critical too. Encouraging and supporting young leaders in their efforts to strengthen democracy is essential for the nation’s progress and stability.

The youth represent a significant portion of South Africa’s population, and their involvement in the democratic process is crucial. They bring about innovative perspectives.

It is encouraging that we have almost 30% of the youth assuming office in the seventh parliament.

However, in comparison with the youth population in South Africa, the percentage is inadequate.

Young people bring fresh ideas and new approaches to solving societal issues.

Their innovative thinking can lead to creative solutions that older generations might not envision.

Additionally, youthful energy and enthusiasm can invigorate political discourse and activism, ensuring that democracy remains dynamic and responsive to change. Young people are the future leaders and citizens who will inherit the outcomes of today’s political decisions.

Engaging them now ensures a more sustainable and forward-thinking democratic process.

Moreover, active participation by the youth ensures that a broader spectrum of society is represented in decision-making processes, leading to more inclusive and equitable governance.

Despite their potential, young leaders in South Africa face numerous challenges, amongst them being a lack of access to platforms where they can voice their opinions and contribute to political discourse.

In addition are high unemployment and economic instability hindering them from participating actively in leadership roles, as young people are often marginalised in political spaces dominated by older, more experienced leaders.

To harness the potential of the youth in strengthening democracy, it is essential to implement strategies that address these challenges and promote active youth leadership; investing in civic education programmes that teach young people about democratic processes and leadership skills.

Schools and universities should incorporate comprehensive civic education in their curricula and create platforms for engagement.

Likewise, establishing youth councils, forums, and digital platforms where young people can engage with political leaders and participate in policy-making processes can empower them to take active roles in democracy.

Creating more mentorship programmes that connect young leaders with experienced mentors can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth; advocating for policies that promote youth inclusion in political parties, government bodies, and other decision-making institutions can help integrate young voices into mainstream politics.

In the wake of Youth Month an opportune moment is afforded to encourage youth activism and to reaffirm the nation’s commitment to supporting and inspiring a new generation of leaders. Supporting active youth leadership for democracy is an investment in the future and it is a necessity for the present.

Let us ensure a vibrant and resilient democracy for generations to come and create the future we want.

  • Dorcas Dube-Londt is the national marketing and communications manager at Citizen Leader Lab.

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