Forces of Philanthropy: We all can make a difference

Forces of Philanthropy: We all can make a difference

Dear reader,

At Community Journals Media Group, publishers of the Greenville Journal, Upstate Business Journal, TOWN magazine, atHome and many other publications, we strive to not only bring you exceptional content but also connect you our community. In that spirit, we want to take a moment to highlight the importance of nonprofit organizations and the positive impact your donations can have.

Nonprofit organizations are the backbone of countless causes, tackling issues big and small, from environmental preservation and animal welfare to educational initiatives and community development. Often run by passionate individuals, these groups work tirelessly to create a better future for all.

But they can’t do it alone. Every donation, big or small, makes a real difference. Here’s why supporting nonprofits is a powerful act:

  • Direct impact: Your contribution goes directly to the cause you care about, funding essential programs and services that improve lives.
  • Empowering change: Nonprofits often work at the grassroots level, fostering positive change within communities. Your donation empowers them to continue this vital work.
  • Building a stronger society: By addressing social and environmental challenges, nonprofits contribute to a more just and equitable world for everyone.

At Community Journals we recognize the importance of giving back. We actively support various nonprofits through sponsorships and volunteer initiatives. Since 1999, Community Journals Media Group has partnered with over 500 nonprofit organizations throughout the Upstate.

We encourage you to consider doing the same. Explore the many worthy causes out there, find one that resonates with you, and donate, whether it’s time or money. You’d be surprised at how even a small contribution can create a ripple effect of positive change.

As our community grows, our commitment  to our nonprofit organization grows as well. Together, we can make a difference.


Sherry Jackson,
Vice President, Content and Digital

  • Worked with 117 nonprofit organizations
  • Sponsored or donated $1,010,257 in advertising consisting of 545 print ads and
  • 220 digital ads delivering over 6.4 million digital impressions


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