Former MP Arinda ‘Cowboy’ Praised for Dedicated Service

Former MP Arinda ‘Cowboy’ Praised for Dedicated Service

Lawmakers have paid tribute to former Member of Parliament for Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality, the late Gordon Arinda lauding him for his active and diligent service to the nation.

Prime Minister, Rt Hon Robinah Nabbanja moved the motion urging Parliament to pay tribute to the former MP for his dedicated service to the nation during plenary sitting on 15 February 2022.

“He was an active and diligent member and made contributions to the committees of Public Accounts (Local Government), Public Accounts (Central Government), Health and Foreign Affairs of the 10th Parliament,” Nabbanja said.

She said that Arinda was an exemplary leader who offered dedicated service to the local governments and Parliament.

“Gordon Arinda meticulously served the nation in different positions. He lived a full life as a progressive man who served his country diligently,” Nabbanja said.

Hon Charles Okello Geoffrey (DP, Nwoya East) said that the former MP was cooperative, an attribute he said was admired by his colleagues in the 10th Parliament.

“I am a new Member of Parliament and this means that I have recognised the trait left by Hon Arinda. This can be drawn from the sadness that his demise brought to the House and responses to the sad news,” said Okello.

The Minister for Local Government, Hon Raphael Magyezi said that Arinda promoted cooperation citing instances in which the fallen MP would support the work of his colleagues in the neighbouring constituencies.

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“Whenever I was not in my constituency, he would be there for me. We had the best team and this means a lot. You will not succeed alone, political leadership is teamwork,” Magyezi said.

He added that Arinda left behind a good work track record and will be remembered as a man of integrity.

“He served in local governments for over 15 years and he was blameless especially in as far as corruption. Those in local government who may be listening, this is a good example; the legacy you live is how to keep assets in your custody,” said Magyezi.

Upper Madi Okollo MP, Hon Isaac Etuka said the former MP’s commitment was seen in his active participation in all committee meetings.

“We joined the committee when we had a backlog and he (Arinda) gave his time. He was against corruption and those he worked with will attest that he was humble. He would always promote peace where there were disagreements,” Etuuka said.

Kampala Central MP, Hon Muhammad Nsereko said that Arinda was a unifier, citing an incident when the House was thrown into a sharp divide during the amendment of Article 102 (b) of the Constitution. Nsereko said Arinda remained respectful.

“We will remember him as a gentleman; even when you disagreed, he would remain smiling,” said Nsereko.

Hon Annet Katusiime Mugisha (NRM, Bushenyi district) recognised Arinda’s effort towards the promotion of education in his constituency saying that he provided candidates with mock exams to prepare them for the final examinations.

“He was uncomfortable with the status quo and focused on alleviating the community from poverty. He always encouraged communities to engage in various economic activities,” said Katusiime.

Hon Mutebi Noah Wanzala (NRM, Nakasongola County) said that Arinda played an important role in pushing for an increased local government budget.

“I served with him on the Committee on Local Government. He was a guiding factor for the committee,” he added.

Igara County West MP, Hon Gaffa Mbwatekamwa urged government to construct a sports stadium in Bushenyi district in memory of the former MP who was a sportsman.

“He loved volleyball and basketball. He always thought that at one time, even in Bushenyi, we shall have a very good sports stadium,” said Mbwatekemwa.

Arinda died on 09 January 2022. Before joining Parliament, he worked as Town Clerk, Kashensero Town Council, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, Bushenyi District Local Government, Clerk to Council, Bushenyi District Local Government and committee clerk, Bushenyi district.

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