Interactive Talent Hunt Fest 2020 inspires the youth to showcase their talent

Interactive Talent Hunt Fest 2020 inspires the youth to showcase their talent

As hundreds of young people and children are staying at home due to the coronavirus crisis, they are taking to social media to showcase their creativity. An online competition, Interactive Talent Hunt Fest 2020, inspired young people (from above Grade 5) to showcase their talent in specific fields.

The series of competitions was divided into different segments as photography, music, meme, art & painting, writing in both Bengali and English, and poetry recitation in Bengali. The topic for the writing competition was, How to make quarantine productive.

The participants and awardees will get certificates and prize money. The results of the competition will be announced on July 4.

The competition aimed to create a platform for people to network and initiate conversations with each other. The funds raised from the registration fees will be donated to people affected harshly by the ongoing pandemic.

Prito Reza, Dr Abdun Noor Tushar, Miftah Zaman, Xefer Rahman, Sadman Sadik, Mahidul Islam Mahi, Shimul Mustapha, Syed Rashad Imam Tanmoy, Syed Badrul Ahsan, Ghulam Sumdany Don and Mashrur Enan among other notable personalities participated as judges of the competition.

The event is organised and initiated by Interactive Cares, working under the ICT Ministry. It is the country’s first ever cloud and artificial intelligence-based platform offering e-learning, health, mental health and legal services to customers through real time communication.

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