Judge praises Young Americans for excelling in school, community

Judge praises Young Americans for excelling in school, community

Young Americans Courtney McGill, (front row from left) Katrina Granberry, Luis Morales, Lauren Delaney, Katherine Cicolello, Patricia Lee, Mary Lyvers, Audra Lundquist (second row from left), Amy Hicks, Evan Jarzynski, Max Fortuno Madrid, Brecken Swanberg, Kayla Witcik, Megan Gendron, Katrina Granberry, Caitlin Monigold, Mahalia Kahsay, Dayne Rogers (third row from left), Grace Bodey, Katherine Kleinmaier, Andrew Conner, Andrea Behling, Blake Fewell, Kayana Marks, Erin Brannick, Michael Woods, (back row from left) Zahed Haseeb, Colin Stalter, A.J. Green, Benjamin Logli, Ethan Baisden and Zachary Buchanan Saturday, May 1, 2010, during the Rockford Register Star's Young Americans Banquet at Franchesco's in Rockford.

ROCKFORD — Honor students, scholar athletes, church leaders and community activists made up the list of winners at this year’s Young American banquet.

But that’s just the beginning of what these bright students have to offer as they aspire to become lawyers, biologists and engineers.

Kayana Marks, a Winnebago High School senior, wants to get into the medical field, possibly becoming a pediatrician or family doctor.

A National Honor Society member and Illinois State Scholar, Marks also volunteers at the Byron Nursing Home and for Special Olympics.

“I enjoy helping people a lot, and I am very interested in science, so I thought (medicine) was a great field for me,” Marks said.

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