Kim Jong-Il’s Notable Sports Achievements

Kim Jong-Il’s Notable Sports Achievements

North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Il died over the weekend, due to complications of a stroke he suffered back in 2008. And while he was a ruthless dictator who murdered untold numbers of people (most of whom were his own), he was also one of the greatest athletes to ever walk the face of this earth.

According to his own biography, he was such a great golfer, that he managed to get 11 holes-in-ones on his way to carding a 38-under par on the VERY FIRST round of golf he ever played. Could Tiger Woods do that? I don’t think so. (His biography also said he didn’t defecate, but we’ll leave that tidbit of info for a later piece.) Also, he managed to bowl a perfect 300 in his very first attempt at bowling. The man was an artist in any sport he tried.

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