Knowledge is opportunity and we should ensure everyone has equal access

Knowledge is opportunity and we should ensure everyone has equal access

And those who should have a seat at the table? For starters, children around the world. 

Researchers at the University of Cambridge recently found that UNICEF allocates less than 1% of the official development assistance (ODA) it receives for early childhood development (ECD) to pre-primary education. 

Mohammed underscored the importance of also including educators in the discussion, and ensuring that teachers are adequately equipped with training and resources. 

Finally, Sigrid Kaag Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of the Netherlands, touched upon the “growing number of young people that are lost” and “marginalised groups”, and suggested vocational opportunities as a way to learn applied trades. 

For those, particularly in the private sector, who view investments in human capital as a threat to the bottom line, David Boutcher from Reed Smith offered the following insight: “This needs to be a part of the strategic plan of the company itself. 

“How are companies going to pursue [diversity in the workplace] if they don’t pursue educating their workforce? It makes sense for their business and it needs to be an inherent part of the way they plan their business going forward”. 

Mohammed also noted that “we need to be much more innovative in finding sustainable financing.”

It bears repeating – knowledge is opportunity. Ensuring that the world’s constituents alike have equal access to education results in a net positive.  

In my capacity as a Global Youth Ambassador for Theirworld, I pride myself in working alongside passionate individuals committed to ensuring access of opportunity and education to all.  

This breakfast event personally shone light on the fact that it is never too early for social, financial and policy investments in human capital and the dire need for this conversation to be taking place at a greater scale.

To echo Mohammed’s positive call to action: “For every challenge, there are 10 opportunities to turn that around.”

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