New Appointment at the Missional Youth Church Network

New Appointment at the Missional Youth Church Network

The Missional Youth Church Network today is pleased to announce the appointment of Steffen Seiler in the role of Strategic Lead. He will join the MYCN team as they partner with youth leaders and local churches to nurture and equip young people aged 15-20 to become young leaders. 

Steffen will work with others to form, grow and develop a new Learning Community with young leaders aged 15-20. The team will also produce a Resource for youth leaders and local churches to use with their young people so they may grow in the 5 marks of mission (Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform, Treasure), become missionary disciples and potential future leaders in mission. 

Andy Milne, Director of MYCN said, “We’re excited Steffen is joining the MYCN team, enabling us to equip and enable more adult youth leaders as they give opportunities for young people to explore practicing the 5 marks of mission. Our hope and expectation is that many will discover the gifts God gives them and flourish as young leaders with the Spirit’s help. We want to see this happens safely by ensuring there is appropriate adult oversight.”

Steffen said, “I am passionate to reach young people on the margins, to see Jesus at work in poor and deprived areas such as the place I work in West Bradford. I long to see young people flourish as they discover Jesus and become His disciples. We want to create community or family with young people.”

The Archbishop said, “MYCN is taking significant steps to help us grow younger, more diverse and to make missionary disciples. Steffen’s appointment will help many local churches to do this better and so if you’re a youth leader interested in seeing your young people start to lead or work as a team, get in touch and see how MYCN can journey alongside you.”

Andrew Bass, Grants Officer for Benefact Trust, said: “We’re delighted to hear about Steffen’s appointment and look forward to seeing the impact of his work with youth leaders, as he helps them to grow and develop their skills. It’s been a pleasure to support MYCN as they upskill youth leaders, giving them the support and resources they need to connect with many more young people.”

Steffen grew up in Germany in a Christian family. Having lived in the UK during 2011, he then moved back to Germany to work as a youth pastor with Gospel Forum in Stuttgart before taking on the role of youth pastor at Life Church Bradford in 2019. Steffen is now employed part time by ‘Rooted In’ charity as a youth worker to pioneer a missional youth church in Allerton, West Bradford and works closely with local Anglican churches in the area. Steffen is married to Gabbi, and they have two children. 

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