New Hampshire State Council on the Arts

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts

Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

ARTS Conservation License Plate Grant
Moose plate

Deadline to submit a letter of Intent to Apply: May 3, 2024

Deadline to submit full grant application: June 21, 2024

(for projects between December 1, 2024 – November 30, 2025)

Grant Coordinator: Kayla Schweitzer

[email protected]

(603) 271-0795

Applicants are required to submit a Letter of Intent to the grant coordinator (by email or hard copy) prior to completing a full grant application. The Letter of Intent must be received no later than May 3, 2024 in order for the applicant to be eligible to submit a full grant application. This is a preliminary requirement to ensure the proposed project meets the grant guidelines and has been submitted to the correct Division within the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. The artistic or historic cultural resource to be conserved must be publicly owned by the LOI deadline. The Grant Coordinator will contact the applicant within one week of receipt of the Letter of Intent and confirm if the project is eligible. The Letter of Intent does not replace the full grant application nor guarantee funding.

The Letter of Intent must be no longer than one page and include:

  • Applicant name.
  • Project Coordinator name, title, and contact information.
  • Acknowledgement that the proposed artistic or historic cultural resource to be conserved is publicly owned by a New Hampshire municipality, town, county agency, or state agency.
  • Short project description.
  • For Cultural Facility Applicants only: Intent or Statement on Determination of Eligibility for National or State Registers.

These FY25 Grant Guidelines are valid for fiscal year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

  • Click here to download the grant guidelines in PDF format.
  • Click here to download the budget form in MS Excel format.
  • Click here to download the budget form in PDF format.
  • Click here to start the online application.

Please click here to download written instructions on how to fill out the online application.

Please watch the video tutorials below for more information.

Online Application System Instructional Video


Budget Form Instructional Video


We strongly recommend that you attend a workshop for more information on the grant program and online system. Please click here for a schedule.

For accessibility accommodation requests including alternate formats please contact Cassandra Mason at [email protected] or 603-271-7926.

Don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader®? Click here to download for free!


Last updated:
February 21, 2024

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