NRC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

NRC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Humanitarian Mediation and Protection from Violence teams have addressed inter- and intra-community conflicts in Tanganyika and Ituri provinces. The programme contributes to improve the protection of civilians through prevention and mitigation of episodes of violence, facilitation of safe voluntary returns, improvement in accessing basic services, as well as ensuring respect of basic human rights in conflict-affected areas. The activities include:

  • undertaking conflict-sensitive, gender and protection analyses
  • increasing capacities of women, men and youth in conflict management and conflict resolution through participatory community-based workshops
  • supporting inclusive, participatory and empowering dialogue processes and humanitarian mediation processes
  • increasing capacities of national and international actors in conflict-sensitive analysis and humanitarian mediation as tools for enhanced protection of civilians in conflict areas
  • improve civilian safety, security, and understanding between the parties to the mediation in the targeted areas, and contribute to preventing and mitigating conflict between communities
  • support communities in implementing community projects as a result of successful humanitarian mediation processes. These projects empower the communities and contribute to social cohesion, change and durable solutions.

Emergency response

NRC is a key frontline responder in eastern DR Congo. We respond to displacement with multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) primarily through the SAFER consortium. We cater to other needs in the first phase of an emergency by providing emergency shelter, water and sanitation, and essential household and hygiene items. We also support the identification of land for establishment of shelters, and support the immediate return of children to safe classrooms.

Supporting return and durable solutions

The context in DR Congo is complex, volatile and multi-faceted. Some (though few) areas of the country have potential for more durable outcomes. NRC continues to support the integration and return of internally displaced people and intends to support with individual and community-based packages to make a long-lasting impact in a stable environment. Such situations are suitable for all our core competencies: Shelter, WASH, ICLA, Education, and Protection from Violence.


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