Onsted Middle School students showcase talent, creativity during Spring Student Expo

Onsted Middle School students showcase talent, creativity during Spring Student Expo

ONSTED — Door prizes, an art show, a book fair, as well as a taco dinner accompanied by a backdrop of student musical performances were some of the highlights Monday, April 15, during Onsted Middle School’s second annual Spring Student Expo.

Nearly 200 people attended the event, held from 5 to 7 p.m. inside the middle school, where they participated in various activities that showcased the work of Onsted’s junior high school students.

Onsted Middle School parent Dayna Reiser and eighth grade student Braelyn Valasek, left, celebrate Reiser winning one of several raffle and door prizes during Onsted Middle School's Spring Student Expo Monday, April 15, 2024. Raffles tickets were earned by visiting areas throughout the middle school building. Raffle items were donated by district families. Winners were drawn throughout the evening.Onsted Middle School parent Dayna Reiser and eighth grade student Braelyn Valasek, left, celebrate Reiser winning one of several raffle and door prizes during Onsted Middle School's Spring Student Expo Monday, April 15, 2024. Raffles tickets were earned by visiting areas throughout the middle school building. Raffle items were donated by district families. Winners were drawn throughout the evening.

“This year was definitely a success. On a rare sunny spring day, when families choose to be inside, that is a testament to how supportive they are of our school,” Onsted Middle School Principal Alaina Ellison said.

The purpose of the student expo is “unique,” Ellison added.

“It is truly to show families a little of what we do here,” she said. “It’s not about grades and it isn’t a fundraiser. It is, ‘Look what your student can do.’”

Onsted Middle School art teacher Cheryl Westbrook displayed pieces of student-made artwork Monday, April 15, 2024, during the middle school's second annual Spring Student Expo.Onsted Middle School art teacher Cheryl Westbrook displayed pieces of student-made artwork Monday, April 15, 2024, during the middle school's second annual Spring Student Expo.

Onsted Middle School art teacher Cheryl Westbrook displayed pieces of student-made artwork Monday, April 15, 2024, during the middle school’s second annual Spring Student Expo.

The Spring Student Expo was created by Onsted Middle School’s Building Implementation Team (BIT) to have conversations around general learning. Some areas of the middle school showed off student-made projects, while others area had activities in which families could participate.

Check out photos from last year’s expo: Onsted Middle School hosts Spring Student Expo

All the students who presented, performed or shared information during the two-hour Monday evening event were completely volunteers, Ellison said. The same went for the staff who helped make the event possible for a second year in a row.

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“We also had a survey where we asked families to share what reading looks like at home. Our goal is that learning transfers to areas outside the (middle school) building. Learning isn’t only at school,” Ellison said.

Many classrooms at Onsted Middle School Monday, April 15, 2024, had student artwork on display, as well as throughout the building during the middle school's second annual Spring Student Expo. Pictured, is Julia Willhite's Spanish classroom.Many classrooms at Onsted Middle School Monday, April 15, 2024, had student artwork on display, as well as throughout the building during the middle school's second annual Spring Student Expo. Pictured, is Julia Willhite's Spanish classroom.

Many classrooms at Onsted Middle School Monday, April 15, 2024, had student artwork on display, as well as throughout the building during the middle school’s second annual Spring Student Expo. Pictured, is Julia Willhite’s Spanish classroom.

Volunteer staff at Onsted Middle School including special education teachers Jennifer Fisher-Smith and Joanna Botte greeted guests, passed out raffles tickets and drew winners throughout the night during Onsted Middle School's second annual Spring Student Expo held Monday, April 15, 2024.Volunteer staff at Onsted Middle School including special education teachers Jennifer Fisher-Smith and Joanna Botte greeted guests, passed out raffles tickets and drew winners throughout the night during Onsted Middle School's second annual Spring Student Expo held Monday, April 15, 2024.

Volunteer staff at Onsted Middle School including special education teachers Jennifer Fisher-Smith and Joanna Botte greeted guests, passed out raffles tickets and drew winners throughout the night during Onsted Middle School’s second annual Spring Student Expo held Monday, April 15, 2024.

— Contact reporter Brad Heineman at [email protected] or follow him on X, formerly Twitter: www.twitter.com/LenaweeHeineman.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Onsted Middle School students showcase creativity during Student Expo

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