Peng Liyuan: “The equality of opportunity is fundamental”

Peng Liyuan: “The equality of opportunity is fundamental”

What is your Special Envoy programme? Could you give us some examples of what you have done to promote girls’ and women’s empowerment, and what are the results?

Since becoming Special Envoy in 2014, I have visited many schools, youth organizations and institutions for women’s development in Africa and Asia to see the situation on the ground, seek ideas and strength from them and share experience. At advocacy events, I often emphasize the importance of female teachers and girls’ and women’s education. At the UN Global Education First Initiative high-level event, for instance, I called on all countries to attach greater importance to promoting equality and quality in education.

In China, there is a project called “Spring Bud” to help poor girls return to school. Since its launch in 1989, it has assisted 3.42 million girls, set up 1,489 schools with its donations, provided skill training to 523,000 girls and drafted and distributed 1.5 million pamphlets on girls’ protection. As a special envoy of the project, I visited a summer camp for girls who had previously been unable to go to school. And it was heartening to see how happy and versatile the girls had become thanks to the help they got from the project.

Here’s the message I wish to send: equal access to education is the foundation for being a well-rounded person and living a meaningful life. It is a crucial factor in making sustainable development possible. I am convinced that life is full of possibilities for every girl and woman, as long as we keep our dreams alive and come up with the courage and strong will to fulfill them.

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