Pinkston Middle School shines in academic achievements, surpasses national averages

Pinkston Middle School shines in academic achievements, surpasses national averages

One of the Mountain Home Public Schools is celebrating its academic achievements as the 2023-2024 school year just came to an end. According to the latest Northwest Evaluation Association benchmark assessments, students and teachers at Pinkston Middle School’s english language arts, mathematics and science departments have demonstrated growth and achievement with several grades surpassing national averages.

The english language arts department’s seventh graders started the previous school year with a score of 213.8 and concluded the year at 219.3, which is 9/10 of a point above the national average of 218.4. The sixth graders improved from 210 to 214.3.

In the math department, seventh graders started the 2023-2024 year at 219.5 and finished at 230.2, 3.5 points ahead of the national average of 226.7. The sixth grade class began at 217.6 and wrapped up the year at 222.5.

Both grades went above the national average in the science department. The seventh graders went from 211.1 to 215.5, 4.9 points above the average of 210.6. Sixth graders started at 208.2 and finished at 211.7, 3.2 points ahead of the average at 208.5.

According to a news release from the school, the focus remains on fostering an environment where students can thrive and exceed expectations.

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