Portsmouth MP invites constituents to have their say on protecting our precious environment

Portsmouth MP invites constituents to have their say on protecting our precious environment

Stephen Morgan MP is inviting constituents to his next ‘Cuppa and Chat’ event on Saturday 8 June from 10.00 – 11.30am to discuss the state of Portsmouth’s environment and what actions can be taken to better protect it.

Coinciding with World Ocean Day, the coffee morning will have representatives from the University of Portsmouth and the Final Straw Foundation.

It comes following the launch of Mr Morgan’s Big Conversation listening campaign during which he sought the views of constituents on a variety of issues, including issues such as sewage dumping and climate change.

This month’s Cuppa and Chat event presents another opportunity to turn ideas into action, as attendees have a further opportunity to share views for the city MP to take back to Westminster.

Constituents can sign up to attend the coffee morning here.

Commenting ahead of the event, Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan said:

“Portsmouth’s natural beauty is something cherished by many. It makes our city somewhere we can be proud to live.

“I share constituents concerns that Portsmouth’s precious environment has not been offered the protection it deserves, nor has it been sufficiently future proofed against the impact of climate change.

“I am looking forward to this opportunity to hear directly from constituents on their experiences and how we can work together to protect and promote Portsmouth’s natural environment for many generations to come.”

Mr Morgan has committed to take the concerns raised at the event to Westminster while continuing to support local initiatives that address environmental concerns in Portsmouth.

Protecting Portsmouth’s precious environment is one of Mr Morgan’s key priorities. The Portsmouth MP has taken a range of actions to tackle the impacts of the dirty water crisis locally, including questioning Ministers, convening a public meeting on the issue and working alongside local organisations and charities to hold government and industry to account.

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