Pro Bono | Goodwin | Law Firm

Pro Bono | Goodwin | Law Firm

Propelled by the most pressing global crises and the Goodwin innovative spirit, our pro bono initiative champions the legal rights of those in need. Our lawyers team up to help individuals navigate the criminal justice and immigration systems, secure safe housing, obtain identity-affirming name changes through the civil court process, access reproductive rights, and attain public and veterans’ benefits. This dedication to advancing equity extends to advising low-income small business owners operating in historically excluded and discriminated communities through our Neighborhood Business Initiative, and counseling nonprofits so they can advance missions relating to a wide range of social issues including voting rights, racial justice, education, healthcare, peace building and democracy, and the environment. And the work is ever-evolving and expanding.

We have made both a local and a global impact with numerous influential moments, including forming the One Fund to assist Boston Marathon bombing victims, helping Massachusetts become the first US state to recognize marriage for same-sex couples, and successfully arguing a seminal immigration case before the US Supreme Court.

Through our passionate commitment and hard work, we are well-prepared to provide pro bono legal services that can make a real and lasting impact.

Click on the photos below to learn more about Goodwin’s pro bono work.

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