Showcasing talent of people living with disability

Showcasing talent of people living with disability

THE creative talents of Tasmania’s ageing and disabled populations are impressing audiences at a Hobart art show.

Ability to Create features eight groups displaying the diversity of work of artists with physical and mental disabilities and those who are ageing.

“This exhibition is a great opportunity for the wider community to see what can be achieved when people are supported and encouraged,” Lord Mayor Sue Hickey said.

“As part of the community inclusion work carried out by [Hobart City Council], we are always looking for community partnerships with both individuals and agencies.”

Three years ago textile artist Freddy Lee-Mount, who has a disability, approached council with an idea to celebrate the art and ability of those living with a disability.

He set about organising the exhibition with metal worker and artist Alan Culph, who suffered permanent injuries in a motorbike accident.

Ability to Create is at Waterside Pavilion, Mawson Place, until Monday. Entry is free.

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