Students recognized for academic achievement | News

Students recognized for academic achievement | News

TEWKSBURY — As part of its regular meeting on Dec. 6, Tewksbury School Committee chairperson Bridget Garabe­dian recon­vened the meet­ing in the TMHS McGrath Auditorium to recognize students in the district for their academic achievements.

Recognitions for the 2023 Massachusetts Compre­hensive Assessment Sys­tem exam (MCAS) top per­forming students, recipients of the John and Abi­gail Adams Scholarship, and National Merit Scho­lars were acknowledged by Superintendent of Schools Brenda Theriault-Regan and members of the school committee.

Theriault-Regan spoke to the audience, thanking fa­milies, School Commit­tee members, principals and teachers for attending.

“This is such a proud night for us as Tewksbury educators,” said Theriault-Regan.

The MCAS is a nationally recognized assessment in Massachusetts. Students recognized exceeded ex­pec­tations in two or more content areas or achieved a perfect score, or achieved a perfect score plus ex­ceeded expectations in one or more MCAS areas.

Content areas include ELA, math, science, technology, and engineering, and biology. According to Theriault-Regan, the MCAS is regarded as one of the most rigorous and challenging assessments in the na­tion. Theriault-Regan congratulated students as be­ing among the highest achievers in the nation. Students received a medal and assembled on the stage for each category of achieve­ment.

Exceeding expectations in two subject areas by achieving a score of 530 or greater were Eleanor Bourn, Aisling Sheehan, Ma­son Tremblay, Kyla Blinn, Casey Campbell, Apollo Lopez, Jason Ma­lone, Rose McGinnis, Alex­ia Bethoney, Daniel Bu­czyn­ski, Chetan Madupu, Avani Tiwari, Sophia Camp­bell, Avitel Gaidukova, Jo­seph Kane, Justin Plamon­don, Joseph Todd, Celeste Webb, Emma Delgado, Abigail Fowlie, Eric Fra­zer, Jake Gigante, James Keenan, Michael Parziale, Phenix Rizzuti, Lucia Al­varado, Christopher Arbo­gast, Keira Gaffney, Ma­son Gomes, David Lam, Gregory Mercado, Dante Moniz, Belen Poirier, and Rose Soe.

Exceeding expectations in three subject areas and achieving a score of 530 or greater were Isabella Le­pordo, Joshua Olsen, Jeff­rey Tucceri, Kevin Andri­olo, and Zak Hajduk.

Students who achieved an MCAS perfect score of 560 were Mark Gaidukov, Keara-Ann Tumbarello, Kylee Squires, Jeffrey Wol­finger, Alan Dang, and Brooke Khourie.

Achieving an MCAS perfect score of 560 plus exceeding expectations in at least one other area were Ella Garagaliano, Kyle Chiu, Kevin Daigle, Cordelia Zwirek, Anya Cranston, Rania Elouahi, William Mullins, and Dyl­an Tian.

One student, Erin McCus­ker, achieved an MCAS perfect score of 560 plus exceeded expectations in two areas.

Theriault-Regan then re­cognized seniors who were recipients of the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship. The scholarship is a merit-based program that provides a tui­tion credit for up to eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massa­chusetts state college or university. The scholarship is granted to students whose combined score placed them in the top 25% of students in their district while meeting MCAS score requirements.

51 students met this criterion. The students recognized were Muhammad Abdul, Colby Flahive, Kim­san Nguyen, Lucas Adams, Anthony Freitas, Tea Nic­kerson, James Atherton, Whitney Gigante, Lauren Oppedisano, Tyler Barnes, Emma Giordano, Victor Pacheco, John Baron, Pax­ton Green, Drew Rennell, Rafael Bellucco, Alexander Grove, Jack Rennell, Ryan Benchater, Mackenzie Hic­key, Cooper Robillard, Na­thaniel Bone, Peter Im­pink, Mario Ruiz Perez, Heather Chase, Jeremy Insogna, Grace Russo, McKayla Conley, Owen Kin­non, Emma Ryan, Morgan Crowley, Nicolas Kitowicz, Junissa Sophon, Ryan Cu­ra, Renuka Late, Zachary Sullivan, Nathan Cyr, Galil Levenson, Skye Bryana Tambi, Lana Dang, Dakota Malizia, Ava Trinh, Aislin Davis, Cullen Mangan, Ali­cia Veno, Avery Della Pi­ana, Jason Morris, Connor Walazek, Haleigh Doiron, Ashwin Narayanan, and Jared Woodman.

The last set of recognitions were for National Merit Scholarship commended students, a program that selects top scorers of the PSAT, the preliminary scholastic assess­ment test, based on selected criteria in each state. The National Merit Scho­larship council honors students with a letter of commendation.

According to the council, these students have dem­onstrated outstanding po­tential for academic success. While the students may not receive a scholarship from NMS, they may be eligible for other support through corporate sponsors. This year’s re­cipients Lana Dang, Alex­ander Grove, Anthony Frei­tas, and Ranuka Late were acknowledged with a declaration of recognition read by School Committee member Katelyn Biagioni-Smith.

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