Supports for Students with Conviction Records – The City University of New York

Supports for Students with Conviction Records – The City University of New York

CUNY Disability Services

Each CUNY campus offers a variety of resources and accommodations to support the academic and personal success of students with disabilities. Services include counseling and referral services, assistive technology services, and arranging auxiliary aids and services like note-takers, readers, sign-language interpreters, testing arrangements and much more!

CUNY Veteran Services

If you are a veteran, CUNY offers application fee waivers and maintains a repository of other mental health, financial, and housing resources. Visit the Veterans Affairs website to learn more and connect with a Veterans Affairs representative at your campus.


CUNY EDGE is committed to supporting public assistance recipients at CUNY succeed in college, while meeting their public assistance requirements, by providing academic, personal and career planning support. Visit the CUNY EDGE website to find the CUNY EDGE representative on your campus.

CUNY Foster Care Support & Initiatives

If you are in foster care or have a history in foster care, CUNY is committed to supporting your success through several supportive pipelines. To learn more about the different ways that CUNY is supporting people with a history of Foster Care visit the CUNY Foster Care Collaborative website.

CUNY Undocumented Student Support

If you are an undocumented student, CUNY has organized resources and information to support your educational journey no matter your citizenship status. Each campus has designated contacts to help answer any question you have about financial aid, enrollment, and other matters. And legal services are available to ensure you get the legal help you need regarding your immigration status. To learn more, visit the CUNY Undocumented Student Support website.

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