UNESCO celebrates cultural heritage conservation champions in China

UNESCO celebrates cultural heritage conservation champions in China

The day unfolded with Mr Jing’s acknowledgment of the outstanding contributions of the winners from China from 2021 to 2022, whose recognition was delayed due to the pandemic. Participants delved into discussions on recent trends in Beijing’s conservation scene, with Mr Ling sharing insights on ‘Innovative Practices for World Heritage in Beijing’, and Mr Tang speaking on ‘Beijing‘s Experiences in the Conservation and Management of World Heritage’.

Representing the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok, programme officer Julia Kim-Davies presented on ‘UNESCO Heritage Awards-winning Projects in China’, in which she highlighted the profound impact of winning projects from China and regional trends. The morning concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Dong Wei, of Southeast University, and Kristal Buckley, of Deakin University, with panelists comprising Zhang Jie (Jingdezhen Pengjia Alley Compound, and Awards Jury member); Anna Yau (Lai Chi Wo Rural Landscape, and Awards Jury member); Zhang Yuxing (Shajing Ancient Fair, ARCity Office); and Guanghai Cui (Protective Shelter at the Locality 1 Archaeological Site of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Cave World Heritage Site, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University)—all sharing insights into new directions in urban heritage in Chinese contexts.

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