Lawrence County Advocate congratulates all Lawrence County students who are achieving in various continued academic pursuits. This information is provided by the schools these students attend or their family members. To submit your student’s continuing academic achievements send, or have them sent, to editor@lcadvocate.com. Photos may be submitted and will run when possible.
Westpoint’s Madeline G. Moore has been named to the Dean’s List and earned the distinction of Roadman Scholar for the 2023-24 academic year at Morningside University in Sioux City, Iowa. The honor is named in honor Earl Roadman, who was Morningside president 1936-1956 and goes to full-time students who have completed at least 45 credits with a cumulative grade point average of 3.76 or above. The Dean’s List recognition is for students who have achieved a 3.67 grade point average or better for the spring semester.
Ryan Prax of Lawrenceburg made the Dean’s List for Roane State Community College for the spring 2024 semester. The honor is for full-time students who attain a quality point average of 3.50-3.99.
Austin Peay State University is proud to recognize the following Lawrence County students on the Dean’s List for academic achievement during spring 2024.
Amy Blackston of Summertown, Kaley Campbell of Ethridge, Haley Caperton of Leoma, Kara Clark of Summertown, James Davis of Summertown, Brooklyn Jackson of Lawrenceburg, Alayna Ogle of Loretto, Macy Short of Loretto, Kensey Weathers of Loretto Britney Wright of Loretto. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or greater.