Please plan to join us as the UNC Greensboro Graduate School hosts the 12th Annual Graduate Research and Creativity Showcase: “Scholarship That Matters.” This showcase of talent will be held on Thursday, April 4. Presentations will be from 1-3 p.m. in the Elliott University Center Cone Ballroom at UNCG.
New this year, the Graduate School is introducing People’s Choice Awards. Several People’s Choice Awards are available in addition to the judges’ category winners, and will be based on audience selections. Awards will be presented at 3:15 p.m.
Previews of the students and their research can be read here.
The purpose of the Showcase is to present the accomplishments of UNCG’s graduate students to the Greater Greensboro community and to provide a venue for students to communicate their research and creative activities to the public. Graduate students explain and present their work through posters.
This event is designed to showcase graduate research and creative work to a variety of non-specialized audiences. It is not intended to replicate an academic conference in a specific discipline, as students present their work to judges and individuals, not in their field of study.