The science of serendipity: Can we all become genius inventors?

The science of serendipity: Can we all become genius inventors?

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(Image: Patrick George)

IF YOU want to make petunias a deeper purple, you could just add an extra pigment gene, right? Wrong: the extra gene turns the flowers white. This surprising finding was made independently in the early 1990s by two plant biologists, Richard Jorgensen in the US and Joseph Mol in the Netherlands. Neither dismissed the finding as an error. They suspected they’d found something big, and they had: an entirely new way in which cells regulate gene expression, now called RNA interference. RNAi has since been the subject of a Nobel prize, has saved lives and promises to save many more.

This is by no means the only example of good luck in science. Percy Spencer, an engineer at the US company Raytheon, was working on a radar set in 1945 when he noticed that a candy bar in his pocket was melting. That observation led, two years later, to Raytheon introducing the first commercial microwave oven. In 1976, chemist Shashikant Phadnis’s boss asked him to test a chlorinated sugar compound being studied as a potential insecticide. Phadnis misheard it as a request to “taste” the stuff – a scary mistake to make in his line of work – and found it was extremely sweet. We now know it as the sweetener Sucralose. Viagra was a drug proving not so effective for heart conditions before someone noticed an interesting and highly marketable side effect.

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(Image: Patrick George)

Examples like these show that chance plays a role, sometimes a dramatic one, in the progress of science. Yet how much do we really know about its contribution? Its influence would…

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