21 Signs You are an International Student Who Went to University in England

21 Signs You are an International Student Who Went to University in England

At first you were a little dazzled by the very British culture…but before long you settled in, and found yourself adopting some very quirky English habits….

1. That ‘gourmet’ feast of Beans on Toast has a very special place in your heart.

And Beans on Toast with cheese…that’s just a whole other level!

2. You have now perfected the balance of ‘pre-drink’ and ‘drink-drink’ to get the night just right every single time.

You even have it down like some military operation…”We have to get drunk NOW and get to the club before there’s a massive queue! Go go GO!!”

3. And through meticulous research and thorough experimentation you have now discovered the perfect cure for a hangover.

Fear not- bacon is the answer!

4. You had strict measures in place to ensure that weren’t going to lose your deposit…and you’re still not entirely sure where you went wrong.

Via Giphy.

“But…it was like that when we moved in…”

5. You went to Fresher’s Fayre and signed up to every single club and society, only to quit them all the very next day when they’d super-spammed your inbox.

Meh, you can always sign up again next year…

6. And you spent two months living off a mixture of Subway and Domino’s because you picked up your share of vouchers at Fresher’s Fayre, then went round again another five times just to get more vouchers.

7. You still know which nights are the best to eat at Spoon’s.

Sunday Club, Steak Club, Chicken Club, Curry Club and the glorious Fish Friday. You truly are an ultimate Spoons Guru.

8. And you still have bags and pockets packed full with the little sachets of sauces…

Via FountainDrinks.

Curse all the Spoons who replaced the sachets with bottles- no one can be discreet with a bottle!

9. This is how you danced every night of Fresher’s with your new British homies…

Via Giphy.

Totally working it!

10. And this is how you felt when you walked round campus as a third year…

Via Giphy.

“Eugh, pathetic little first years…”

11. You made your absolute best mates for life in the smoking area of nightclubs…

…because it’s hard to make friends inside when your feet are sticking to the floor and everywhere smells like festering horse wee…

12. You still know the best place to go and get a 5AM Kebab.

Via Facebook.

But Donner tastes so good in the morning!

13. You used to bump into practically everyone you knew down at the local Tesco Extra.

At least it made the weekly shop a little bit more interesting!

14. You have absoloutely perfected the art of ‘Banter’…

Via PieandBovril

Careful- once it starts it ain’t gonna stop!

15. You now drink exactly 37 cups of tea every single day.

Via Giphy.

How did you ever function without it?!

16. You are ready for battle every time you hear the word ‘Marmite’…

Via Giphy.

It really is true- you either love it or you hate it!

17. You have strategically invested in an umbrella and now lovingly call it a ‘brolly’

Via Giphy.

And now you’re experienced in dealing with the embarrassment of battling the wind and rain together…

18. You say ‘sorry’ all the time, even if it’s completely the other person’s fault.

Via Giphy.

Since moving to England, it’s kinda become your catchphrase!

19. You’re more than familiar with Jeremy Kyle, Loose Women and a riveting TV show called Countdown.

Via Youtube.

they’re the reason you handed in that last assignment so late…

20. You are now confidently able to tell the difference between a Welshman, Scotsman, Brummie, Scouser and Cockney accent.

Via Giphy.

“Wye eye man! That’s proper wool behaviour, like!”

21. You used to cry if you were at a music festival and it rained…now, you proudly roll around in the mud!

Via Giphy.

So England is probably a lot rainier than your home country, but it would be boring if everywhere was the same, right?!

Image via Unsplash

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