An issue amid multiple humanitarian crises

An issue amid multiple humanitarian crises

Jalees Ahmad, Al Hakam

Four years have passed since 2020, a year anticipated for its promise of clarity and progress, often associated with the concept of achieving “20/20 vision,” where perfect vision symbolises clear understanding and foresight. However, instead of experiencing this anticipated clarity, the world finds itself in a state of increasing blur, with priorities appearing out of focus. Today, humanity is grappling with decline, and international tensions have deeply permeated our global society.

With so much that the world needs to focus on, and with many pressing – and unpressing – matters being highlighted in the press, I came across an article today about: “Is the move to electric cars running out of power?

The article, published in BBC, talks about stalling EV sales, climate goals at risk and how “Replacing fossil-fuel-powered cars with EVs is central to the UK government’s plan to meet its climate goals”, cost barriers, market dynamics and other factors such as economic vs. environmental dilemma. (“Is the move to electric cars running out of power?”,, 17 May 2024)

Despite the numerous challenges the world faces today, including climate change, epidemics, health crises, economic inequality, coups, geopolitical tensions, conflicts, and wars in regions such as Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, and Yemen, as well as issues of poverty, hunger, and access to education; historians may one day wonder and reflect on how, at such a time,  it was emphasised that “replacing fossil-fuel-powered cars with EVs is central to the UK government’s plan to meet its climate goals.” It raises questions about priorities, doesn’t it?

When put into perspective, surely other global issues outweigh the need or urgency for: the current slowdown in electric vehicle (EV) sales in the West and the potential implications this has for achieving climate targets. And, similarly, the emphasis on sustained growth in EV sales to replace fossil-fuel-powered cars and meet climate goals is evident.

First and foremost, while looking after the world and matters of climate change and the environment are undoubtedly important, we must ask: if the world continues to linger in its current state of global tensions, will there even be a world to look after? We often talk about the effects of global warming manifesting in the future, but have we ever considered whether there will even be a future if we are unable to steer the wheel of humanity onto a more promising path? 

It is often said that we must leave the world in a better place than we found it for future generations. But first, we must ensure that the world can live in peace and address the current issues that are affecting the well-being of humanity. Why not focus on the absence of injustice? A quick glance at global news highlights the widespread suffering, pain, and devastation caused by wars, particularly in the Middle East. However, the same level of outcry and distress is not evident when it comes to these issues. 

In 2018, during the National Peace Symposium, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said:

“A major focus of the international community is climate change and a desire to keep the air that we breathe clean. Is there anyone who thinks that heavy bombardment has no effect on the atmosphere? Furthermore, if peace ever does prevail in the war-torn countries, their towns and cities will have to be rebuilt from scratch, and this in itself will be a huge industry that will cause an increase in harmful emissions and pollution. Thus, on the one hand, we are trying to save the planet, yet with our other hand, we are senselessly destroying it. In light of all of this, I firmly believe that world powers are being blinded by short-sightedness and tunnel-vision.” (“Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community says Time has come to Stop Blaming only Muslims for the World’s Problems”,, 20 March 2018)

Global warming is another factor contributing to global unrest. However, achieving lasting peace requires us to focus on the eminent matters at hand and not turn a blind eye. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa also highlighted: “If we are to leave behind a legacy of hope for our children, and bequeath a peaceful world to our future generations, we, irrespective of our religion or beliefs, need to urgently change our priorities.” (Ibid.)

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