Bradford Officers and Staff Commended at District Awards 

Bradford Officers and Staff Commended at District Awards 

Awards include:

1)    PC Toni Hinnells 
For professionalism, knowledge and commitment in improving investigations around fraud within Bradford District. 

2)    PCSO Daniel Hall
For dedication working with partner agencies and for professionalism in reducing offending and reducing demand on the police across the Bradford District. 

3)    PS Caroline Foster, and Researcher John Davis
In recognition of the excellent teamwork between the DIU and NPT East to safeguard a vulnerable child.

4)    PC Nazrah Kauser PC Sundas Rashid

For being instrumental in safeguarding vulnerable victims by ensuring a sexual predator was apprehended.

5)    PC 5829 Hayley Oldfield
For the quick thinking, professionalism and actions whilst off duty in preventing a male from causing himself serious harm. 

6)    PC Peter Hampshire
For the outstanding number of arrests and intelligence reports whilst working on the BOLO team. 

7)    Inspector Claire Stothers
For outstanding professionalism and dedication over the years working with Partners in diverting people away from substance abuse. 

8)    PC Jack Senior and PC Kieran Johnson
For going above and beyond to help put support in place for a vulnerable elderly male when attending a concern for safety call.

9)     PCSO Aiden Playfoot
For commitment, dedication and bravery when dealing with a violent suspect. Remaining calm and professional ensuring vital evidence was seized.

10)     PC Rory Romani
Working tirelessly in leading officers to arrest Bradford’s most wanted offenders. Showing relentless pursuit which ensures victims of domestic violence are safeguarded.

11)    PS Aaron Shah 
Dedication in supporting the most vulnerable victims across Bradford District. Leading West Yorkshire Police in training the first ‘Neuro Diverse Specialists’ front line officers.

12)     Bradford District Team 3 Patrol including Insp. Alex Artis and PC Georgia Stafford
For hard work, professionalism, dedication, and teamwork, sustaining high performance as a patrol team, tackling Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls making a significant contribution to the policing of Bradford District.

13)    DS Melissa King
In recognition of the commitment, dedication, professionalism, and support of the TRIM process. 

14)    DI Karl Noglik, DC Suzanna Jones, PC Hayley Coulton, PC Rachael Mercer and DS Mark Fraser.
For determination and tenacity in the investigation of a violent serial sex offender who was targeting vulnerable females, who has been arrested, charged, and remanded into custody pending trial.

15)    DC Adam Flaxington, DC Kate Davis, PC Gemma Walton, PC Scott Tyson and PC Donna Ramsden
For the tireless hard work and dedication on Bradford POLIT (Police On-Line Investigation Team) over the last year which has resulted in over 200 prisoners dealt with and 120 Warrants successfully executed.

18)    Professor Jeff Gold, Leeds Beckett University 
For excellent work in support of West Yorkshire Police over many years. This includes cultural change, action learning, burglary mapping and most recently procedural justice in which you developed and facilitated a project in Keighley which enhanced Trust in the Police”.

19)     Colleague Of the Year Award – PC Toni Hinnells 

Special Awards

Special Awards for the District Commanders Commendations Recipients who have made outstanding contribution in the areas of, Supporting Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls and the Protection of Vulnerable People.

1)    The Support of Diversity Equality and Inclusion within Bradford District. 
Sergeant Aaron Shah

2)    Outstanding contribution towards the elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. 
PCSO Dan Hall

3)    The Protection of Vulnerable People. 
PC Nazrah Kauser
PC Sundas Rashid

The Final Award
The Recipient of a Special Award who has been most outstanding in their contribution to the Bradford District priorities of Supporting Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls and the Protection of Vulnerable People.

PCSO Daniel Hall 

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