HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Currently, the offices of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Employment and Diversity and Inclusion are not all aligned under the same organization, but that’s about to change.
Air Force Material Command is standing up new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion offices at bases across the command, including at Hill, to provide better service to the customer.
Combining these like functions into one organization will increase effectiveness, allow for a single leader to oversee the programs, provide strategic communication and will highlight diversity and inclusion at individual, organizational, and operational levels.
This new organization will include the DEI director, Resource Advocacy manager, Affirmative Employment Program manager, Disability Program manager and the existing Equal Opportunity office.
“These manager positions are actively being recruited, so anyone interested in helping us fill these critical positions should frequently check USAJobs for the job postings,” said Samantha Morrison, Hill’s acting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion director.
Each of these functions has an important mission.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, also referred to as the DEI Office, will strive to attract, recruit, develop and retain a high quality, diverse Total Force, ensuring a culture of inclusion in order to leverage the diversity of the nation for strategic advantage in Air Force, joint and coalition operations.
They will also execute diversity management and equal opportunity policies and programs affecting active duty and reserve component military personnel, and DOD civilian employees.
The Installation Affirmative Employment Program Manager will develop action plans, implement, and manage the installation’s Affirmative Employment Program and the six Special Emphasis Programs as outlined in the governing Air Force instruction.
The Disability Program Manager will communicate the needs of individuals with disabilities and provide information relevant to ensuring Air Force compliance with affirmative employment initiatives and federal law. This includes barrier and trend analysis and subsequent recommendations for eliminating unlawful employment practices and procedures.
Equal Opportunity ensures equal opportunity compliance, provides proactive human relations services, and champions the Air Force policy of zero tolerance for unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment for all agency employees, Air Force members, and tenants.
Resource Advocacy will lead strategic communication and other messaging to highlight diversity and inclusion value at the individual, organizational, and operational levels. They will also provide guidance for processing, resolving, and tracking allegations of harassment in accordance with department of Defense instruction.
“We are looking for people who want to make a difference and who want to make Hill a diverse and inclusive place to work, in defense of our nation,” Morrison said.