1) Sign up on the dedicated Facebook event page here., external
2) Tag other people to tell them about it and encourage them to run.
3) Run one mile or further before 14 October at a time and location of your choice – either with friends or family, or by joining one of the organised runs at an England Athletics club or RunTogether group listed on the Facebook event page.
4) If you want to, wear a ‘Reason Card’ to show why, who or what you’re running for (for example ‘anxiety’, ‘my mum’, ‘to break down stigma’ etc), available to download and print from the event page.
5) If you want to, upload a photograph to social media and the event page using a ‘#runandtalk board’ at the end of your run to show people you’ve taken part (add the name of the club/group, organisation or family you are running with if you want). Available to download and print from the event page.
6) Talk about it on social media using #runandtalk.