Is Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Bringing Us Together, Or Pushing Us Further Apart?

Is Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Bringing Us Together, Or Pushing Us Further Apart?

I was talking about diversity with an emerging leader who is Asian-American, in her mid-30s, working for a global enterprise. “It’s a ‘favorite child’ mentality,” she said. “Our company puts out a statement in support for Black Lives Matter, and then they put out a statement saying they’re against Asian hate crimes. It turns into: ‘Who’s going to get the better statement? The BLM folks? Or the Asian groups?’ Meanwhile, the company is doing all these things, but we don’t see any physical or visible change in the organization. This is no longer about the color of your skin, but the person that you are.”

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is just the most recent version of a game that’s been played for decades now—a game designed to make people feel like progress is being made toward equality, with one-day trainings or identity-specific affinity groups. In reality, the game itself hinders that very progress.

We’ve seen multiple parallel examples play out on our streets over this past year, in the form of “free speech” zones. Sure, they’ll let people have their say: just do it from over here, enclosed within these fences. That way, it will seem to the outside world that people are always complaining, arguing amongst themselves and ineffective. Meanwhile, the powers that be can point and say, “See, we gave you what you wanted, and what’s come of it? Nothing.”

We’re doing the same thing inside our schools, our workplaces and our communities with a performative pledge to diversity, equity and inclusion that achieves the same purpose as those protest zones—the purpose of appearing to value individual voices while actually putting boundaries around them, keeping them confined to a particular place so no one really has to listen.

People are crying out for equity, as they should be. But our collective proposed solution is to embed DEI leaders into every institution and every fabric of public life, and to create affinity groups for every identity box we can imagine.

But don’t you see? That’s just another way of declaring a protest zone in order to keep the noise contained. It’s a way of letting the powers that be off the hook. They can create affinity groups and clubs, offer mentor programs, essentially carve out a small corner of the territory and say: have at it. And when people later complain that there’s been no real systemic change, those leaders can say: “But look at all I’ve done for you! If you can’t make it work, that’s on you.” 

And I’m worried, because it will be successful in its ultimate goal: to maintain the status quo. It will keep us all in our boxes, fighting amongst ourselves. Not only will nothing change (or incremental at best), but change will become harder because we’ve solidified these boxes.

I played that game for many years. I thought people couldn’t understand me as a person unless they knew my Hispanic culture. I thought leaders could never appreciate those they led, teachers could never fully understand their students, doctors could never know their patients, until they sorted out these boxes of identity. I thought I could use culture as a gateway to being seen and known: know my culture, know me.

Over time, as I talked to more senior executives around this idea of cultural competency, they’d tell me: “Glenn, I will never be able to know or understand your culture unless I was born and raised in that culture.”

I began to realize that I was using culture as a gateway for someone to get to know me—but by leading with culture I was really creating a barrier. It’s not that culture doesn’t matter. Quite the contrary: we’re all shaped by our backgrounds, our families, our upbringings, the environments we grew up in. It makes us who we are.

So let’s lead with who we are.

This is a subtle shift that has profound impact.

Years ago, I started to flip the script and instead of asking people to share about their cultures, I started asking people to tell me how they do their work differently than other people. Then, I followed up with: “Why do you do it that way?” Some said their parents, some said their culture, some said something else entirely. We ended up seeing each other on a much more profound level than we ever could if we were to sit through hours of cultural and unconscious bias training.

I realize this sounds obvious. So why isn’t it more common in our workplaces? Some will think it’s not scalable, perhaps. Some will think it would take too much time. Some will think: how do we measure that with a metric we can report in a press release?

We have to interrupt the DEI habits we’ve picked up over the past several decades.

“Sometimes training in ‘cultural competence’ leads to ‘cultural arrogance,’” said Tomas Gomez-Arias, Dean of the College of Business Administration at California State University, Stanislaus. “There is no way I will ever fully know and understand someone else’s experience. It is important that we all get educated in the history and experiences of other cultures, especially those of people that have been historically oppressed and silenced, but we also need ‘cultural humility,’ because that is what allows us to listen to their own experiences in their own voices, rather than projecting on them what we think we know.”

Hear more from Tomas Gomez-Arias in this short video:

From Compliance to Assimilation to Company-Centered Performance Advantages

As is often the case with us flawed humans, diversity training is something that employers first pursued because they had to. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal for employers with more than 15 employees to discriminate in hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, job training, or any other term, condition, or privilege of employment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

With legal standing comes legal action, and with legal action comes court-mandated training on how not to be discriminatory. That was a new skill, after all.

(Much of this history comes from “A Retrospective View of Corporate Diversity Training From 1964 to the Present, by Rohini Anand, former Chief Diversity Officer at Sodexo and Mary-Frances Winters of The Winters Group, Inc., 2008, Academy of Management Learning & Education.)

Companies became proactive and started conducting trainings on their own, often focused on teaching people the new rules, to avoid legal liability.   

According to the authors of that retrospective: “Recipients of the early antidiscrimination training often left with a variety of emotions, few of them positive. Because the training focused primarily on treating historically underrepresented minorities and women fairly and equitably in white male-dominated environments and on avoidance of lawsuits, non-members of these groups resented their exclusion and felt that preferential treatment was being afforded to the targeted groups.”

With deregulation in the 1980s, the focus of the training shifted to helping women and people of color assimilate into existing corporate cultures. As Anand and Winters describe it, there was “an unwritten expectation that the new entrants [women and minorities] would conform to the dominant group culture.”

In my experience, this is a move that we have yet to recover from. Those who were told to assimilate have spent years trying to recover their identities, while corporate cultures became environments where it was assumed that everyone (not just “diverse” employees) would hide their individual identities to fit in with the brand’s identity.

Then the diversity industry evolved into leveraging diversity for the good of the business. Study after study confirms the advantages of diversity: financial performance, innovation and better thinking. Many people agree that it’s good to have a wide range of life experience within an organization.

Watch this short video featuring Shaden Marzouk (President, CareMore and Aspire at Anthem), as she discusses the importance of utilizing a diversity of perspectives: 

Achieving that diversity is still difficult. And even when leaders do have a diverse team, most don’t know how to turn that diversity into inclusion—a state at which people with those diverse thoughts and experiences can actually have an influence on how the business or the team functions. As a result, much of the diversity content these days acknowledges that diversity is nothing without inclusion. Yet inclusion is still elusive.

Positioning diversity as a competency created another major evolution in the industry, according to Anand and Winters: “The assumption is no longer that only certain groups need training (e.g., white men or minorities), but rather that all employees need to be more cross-culturally competent in an increasingly global world.”

But that’s still all about the business, and today calls for a new approach: one that is all about the person.

For one thing, generations Y and Z are not so easily broken down into our usual diversity boxes. One person might be a Latina, an introvert, a Millennial, a morning person, a trained economist, a city-dweller, a high-potential employee. She might specialize in seeing the big picture and anticipating roadblocks, while someone else with the same credentials and title specializes in meticulously plotting the day-to-day path to a project’s success. Every single one of your employees and customers is a unique mix of strengths, expertise and preferences.

And if you want to keep those emerging leaders from leaving, it’s time to rethink your approach to DEI. Here’s how people feel about those diversity programs (these are quotes from people within recognizable national and global brands):

  • “Growing up as a Latina in predominately white institutions (elementary, high school, college and law school) and working at white-shoe law firms, I always felt that the messaging of ‘diversity’ is what set me apart, even though I believe at the time the institutions were trying to accomplish the opposite.”
  • “I have witnessed first-hand how diversity is not enough and how we need more inclusion to make a real difference. Often times our efforts seem to silo people of color to participate in a program that, while with good intentions, can make team members feel as though they are singled out based on the color of their skin.”
  • “We brag and boast about diversity however we do not let the diverse colleagues who work for us share their stories, beliefs, or ideas across the company. I do believe that everyone loves the idea of diversity, but once you begin including every unique view it makes people uneasy.”
  • “Leaders say they support and want diversity in the workplace yet, when presented with views that are different, they tend to have a problem with it. Thus they tend to surround themselves with those that have the same views as them.”
  • “We do really well at hiring ethnically diverse candidates. We have work to do in hiring individuals with leadership strengths that are different than ours.”

Speaking of Gen Z, we can learn a lot from their open approach to identity and inclusion. Brielle Lubin is a 15-year-old freshman in high school. She has a Jewish-American father and a Japanese mother from Tokyo. She is very proud of her Jewish-American culture and is equally proud of her Japanese culture. At her school in Los Angeles, she leads two clubs: the Gender Sexuality Awareness Club and the Asian American Cultural Club. She already recognizes that the clubs based on identity, supposedly to advance inclusion, are ironically contributing to a sense of exclusion by—however unintended—projecting a message that “if you’re not one of us, you’re not welcome,” said Lubin.

“It’s important to have a natural form of diversity,” she said. “In other words, diversity should just happen organically. We need an interactive classroom, an interactive space, where people learn how to listen to each other. Opinions and diverse stories only come through different people’s viewpoints. The goal should be to learn how to have conversations that bring up more viewpoints, so we can gain more perspective.”  

It’s impossible to master “cultural competence” for every culture represented in your organization. But we can learn how to actively expand our perspectives. But natural diversity, equity and inclusion won’t be achieved by official Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The next generation of your workplace is not buying official DEI. The more it feels like you’re trying to manufacture authenticity, the less they’ll trust you and faster they’ll leave.

A New Approach

Diversity, equity and inclusion are three different words with multiple meanings. Get clear on your definitions. Then remember they are not skills to be siloed into one department and leadership role: every function, department, division, leader and employee across the enterprise needs to practice these skills.

First, remove the roadblock of poorly chosen metrics that get measured once a year for the annual report. Once you start measuring something, people lock into that and it becomes an end unto itself. A dean of a law school once told me that she wished she could make certain changes to improve the school, but those changes might affect the school’s place in the oh-so-important U.S. News & World Report university rankings. She knew that ranking held more sway in how she would be judged by the board, and therefore it had more sway in her leadership decisions.  

Just as teachers might be pressured to “teach the test” to make sure their students do well on standardized exams, corporate leaders feel like they have to make leadership choices designed to get better results on next year’s employee engagement survey. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, unless whatever is being measured becomes an end that actually hampers progress. In this case, the training itself often becomes the metric, rather than what the training is supposed to impart.

Anand and Winters said this of DEI’s check-off-the-box approach over the years: “Such ‘check-off’ training was evaluated not by its effectiveness, but rather by the number of people who were trained.”

DEI’s “us versus them” approach is limiting and in its effort to unite, it divides people. We need a system with the flexibility to remain relevant within our world of mass variance. For the past few years my company has been practicing a new way for leaders to assess how well (or not) they’re able to let individuals influence their organization, a team, a project, or an approach to a particular challenge.

It’s not one metric: it’s five shifts that I’ve outlined in Leadership in the Age of Personalization and in numerous Forbes articles over the years. The shifts exist on a spectrum from standardization at one end and personalization at the other.

At the standardization end, the organization defines the individual. At the personalization end, the individual defines the process toward the mission. The five shifts emerged from my work over the years helping leaders identify where they might be clinging to outdated standards (which also take the form of biases about who belongs where, doing what), and where those outdated standards might be getting in their way. These are five areas where we need to find balance between those forces of standardization and personalization:

  1. From diversity to inclusion (who you let in): creating a system for making sure the organization is open at every level to every individual.
  2. From tribal to human (how you see those you let in): creating processes for seeing and knowing who people are as individuals, rather than making assumptions based on their group, their role or their background.
  3. From brand identity to individual identities (who you let them be): shifting focus from the entity to the individuals.
  4. From mission to contribution (what you let them do): giving people ways to contribute their unique skills and strengths, no matter the mission.
  5. From results to methods (how you let them do it): letting people break free from the standards of the past, to attack challenges in their own way.  

The goal is not to always operate at the full extent of personalization in every situation. The goal is to approach any given project or challenge and go through this process: examine the spectrum between the two extremes for each shift, see where you are now, determine where you want to be in the future, interrupt the current process that is holding back your progress, pivot, then re-assess at regular intervals.

There is no one metric for success. There is no single annual evaluation on which you’ll be judged. It’s a process for continuous evaluation and evolution. It’s a process that anyone can employ at any time (unknowingly, these shifts played out in many instances throughout the pandemic). The process itself helps people learn how to be more inclusive because it’s designed to get people interacting with each other, proactively seeking places to constructively interrupt their own preconceived notions about who belongs where, doing what. We all have those preconceived notions. We should just admit it, and work continuously to interrupt them.

By its very nature, the habit of interruption generates its own cycle of progress. And progress must remain a cycle, because there is no static state of diversity, equity and inclusion. Just because an organization or a team is inclusive today doesn’t mean it will remain so by tomorrow. It works the other way as well: just because a team is exclusive today doesn’t mean it can’t interrupt itself and move toward inclusion tomorrow.

In other words, there is hope.

Watch this short video where I speak with Percy “Master P” Miller, music mogul and entrepreneur, about the value of being comfortable with discomfort.

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