By Ben Hardy, Clinical Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School
Ethics are the ultimate grey area for boards. Society mandates that companies, and by extension their boards, do certain things. For example, companies have to fulfil their economic obligations. If they aren’t making money, or worse, are insolvent, then they quickly stop being a company. Similarly, companies have to obey the law. People might argue about what companies can get away with, but there’s a societal expectation that companies abide by the rules of the game. Ethics, however, are different. Society expects companies to behave ethically and the key enforcement mechanism is public, and increasingly investor, opinion.
So what is ethical behaviour and why do ethics constitute a grey area? Part of the problem is that there are many systems of ethics, such as the pursuit of self-interest advocated by egoists or the greater good pursued by utilitarians – along with many others. People tend to define unethical behaviour as ‘behaviour I believe to be unethical’. Hence the dilemma for boards: one person’s ethical behaviour might be another’s unethical.
To some extent, society has helped boards out, by crystallising certain ethical principles into law. This gives companies a legal core, with an ethical penumbra. There are things that are not deemed illegal but are perceived by society as ethically questionable. The problem for boards is that there isn’t a bright, consistent line as to what society considers ethical or not. Moreover, even if there were, the line would be constantly shifting. There are plenty of topics that were once illegal which are now deemed perfectly acceptable. Similarly, there are also topics which were either once perfectly acceptable but are now no longer so, or which are lawful but socially unacceptable (the so-called ‘lawful but awful’).
This constitutes the nub of the issue. How on earth do boards keep track of these shifting paradigms and how do they address ethical issues? I would suggest three things are necessary – the 3Ds of board decision making.
Diversity – you need to get different opinions in the room. You are not likely to get a broad view of societal opinion if simply gathering together people from a particular constituency or community. You need a breadth of experience, and often differences such as age, gender, nationality, ethnicity and social class can serve as useful proxies for this.
Disagreement – there’s little point in getting a diverse group of people together if you’re not going to tap into their differing opinions. But beware. Typically, groups are trying to do two things which may conflict. Firstly, they’re trying to be a group. To do this, to bond, to fit in, people have to do all the things people do to build relationships. Things like identifying what they have in common, agreeing with other peoples’ points of view, not rocking the boat. The second thing that groups are trying to do is the work. Exploring any issue – but particularly ethical issues – requires a meticulous investigation of other opinions, even those which one might not agree with. It also requires testing these opinions and disagreement. This can be antithetical to bringing a group together.
Little wonder that when researchers look at disagreement in groups they find that task conflict (the good stuff, the different opinions and disagreement) correlates strongly with interpersonal conflict (the bad stuff, where people disagree not on the subject but with the person). The way to square this circle is psychological safety. This means that people can air difficult opinions, questions or concerns without fear of being punished, ostracised or humiliated. As W Edwards Demming, the quality guru, pointed out in his principles of management, one of the roles of effective management is to ‘drive out fear’.
Decision – the trouble with all this discussion and disagreement is that it can go on for ever. Cans get kicked down roads. Decisions are not made. The challenge for boards is knowing when decisions really do need to be made. This is where a useful research concept called ‘theoretical saturation’ may help. This is the idea that you’ve reached a point where no additional issues or insights emerge and all viewpoints have been identified, explored, and exhausted. Put bluntly – when you’re hearing the same thing more than once and nothing new is coming out, then a decision must be made. The skill of a Chair is recognising this point of theoretical saturation and ensuring the board makes an informed decision.
The three Ds will help board directors get to the right place for making ethical decisions. However, there is a big caveat. It’s very tempting to try and turn ethical decisions into something else, such as risk. Obviously risk matters, and it may even inform the ethical discussion, but it’s downstream from the ethical decision. Turning ethical decisions into risk management short circuits the board’s responsibility to explore the issues and reach a considered, informed decision.
When tackling ethical decisions, therefore, make sure that you’ve got the right people in the room, that they have a proper discussion and that they make an informed decision and don’t slough it off into risk management or some other concept.
Just as people’s character is defined by what they stand for and what they won’t put up with, so are companies’ character. The culture of the organisation will be defined by what is seen as okay and, more importantly, what is seen as not okay. The organisation will have a culture or character whether the board likes it or not. It’s far better for boards to be in the driving seat than explaining why things have gone wrong.
Ben Hardy is Clinical Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School. His research interests include the interaction between management and physiology, particularly with respect to hormone levels and the autonomic nervous system; the philosophical underpinnings of management research and knowledge; and linguistic factors in survey research and communication. Ben recently spoke on the subject of ethics at an event organised by the Next Generation NED Network in association with the London Business School Leadership Institute