The new platform is designed to generate partnerships among advisors, donors, investors and charity leaders.
UK-based charity Philanthropy
Impact has unveiled 23 Impact, an online platform designed to
change the way individuals connect, learn and work together
in the field of philanthropy and impact investing.
“23 Impact offers a dynamic space for donors, investors, and
private client professional advisors to network and access
invaluable resources,” the organisation said in a statement. “23
Impact acts as a comprehensive hub for those committed to making
a significant difference through impact investment and
philanthropic efforts.”
Users can create customised profiles that highlight their
philanthropic visions, investment objectives, financial
strategies, and showcase their experience and
“This platform not only serves individual philanthropists and
investors but also extends its reach to private client advisors,
wealth management firms, non-profit organisations, government
entities, and other crucial players in the field,” Philanthropy
Impact said.
“With 23 Impact, our goal is to catalyse powerful partnerships
among professional advisors, donors, investors, and charity
leaders, thereby amplifying the overall impact and efficacy of
philanthropic initiatives,” John Pepin, CEO of Philanthropy
Impact, said.
The organisation says it builds up the capacity and determination
of the will of professional advisors (private client advisors,
wealth management, private banking, tax, and legal sectors) to
support their high net worth and ultra-HNW private clients on
their philanthropic and impact investment goals.
On 27 June, the publisher of this news service is pleased to hold
the third annual WealthBriefing
Wealth For Good Awards 2024 event, at BDB Pitmans,
at its offices in London’s City district.