What to Do When You Don’t Feel Valued at Work

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Valued at Work

It’s no fun to toil away at a job where your colleagues take you for granted. To make a change, look for ways to highlight your contributions and achievements. Ask your boss for the opportunity to provide an overview of your team’s responsibilities and accomplishments to the rest of the organization. Talk about what your team does, what its goals are, and ways you’re striving to do better. Another way to get your work noticed is to praise and appreciate others. Most often the response from the other person will be to return the favor. It also doesn’t hurt to toot your own horn from time to time. Say something like: “I accomplished X and Y and I am grateful for the support that I had.” Don’t humblebrag, though. Finally, while being valued for your work is a wonderful thing, try to move away from your need for external validation. Real fulfillment comes from within.

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