Opportunity for Utah families to host Japanese exchange delegates

Opportunity for Utah families to host Japanese exchange delegates

A Utah non-profit, Mountain West Cultural Exchange, brings Japanese exchange delegates and Utah families together to build friendships around the world.

Founded in 2016, they work with UTREK, a non-profit in Japan that arranges for Japanese delegates ages 10–18 to come to Utah for an immersive cultural homestay with American families.

The summer program applications are now open, and we’re looking for the perfect host families! The program runs from July 23 to Aug. 7. Applications and hosting are both free.

“This experience makes the world a smaller place,” Maresa Manzione, Chair of MWCE, said. “A lot of families in Utah aren’t going to be able to go to Japan in their lifetime, but by bringing these delegates to your home, the experience comes to you.”

These Japanese boys and girls come to the United States excited to learn about American culture and share their own. It’s custom for them to bring gifts for their host families, and they’ll often cook a traditional Japanese meal, like the savory pancake okonomiyaki.

They come ready to adventure with their host families and learn about life the Utah way. Whether it’s playing with LEGOs, baking cookies, hiking in the mountains, going for bike rides, or taking a trip to Moab, these delegates come to experience whatever it is their host family enjoys.

“My children and neighbors have all been blessed with an expanded view of the world because we’ve participated in this,” Manzione said.

This program can foster long-term friendships. The Merrill family from Tooele, Utah, hosted an exchange delegate named Maiko almost 10 years ago. Her host sister, Bailee Merrill, who was 16 at the time, keeps in contact with Maiko and was able to visit her in Tokyo last year.

“I’m so grateful my family hosted exchange students when I was younger,” Merrill said. “It helped me look outside my little Utah bubble and know the world is much larger than it appears and that cultures all over the world have something to teach me. It was incredible to visit Maiko in Japan and have our paths come full circle.”

This provides a special experience for Utah families to get to know a foreign culture, expand their worldview, foster new friendships, and share their beautiful state with that new friend.

Summer hosting dates run from July 23 to August 7. Host families are required to have at least one child, so the exchange delegate has a friend their age.

To apply, visit mwce.website, see Facebook “Mountain West Cultural Exchange,”  or on Instagram at @mwexchange.

MWCE takes applications for Utah teen counselors, ages 14–18. Teen counselors help find host families, assist with exchange program activities, the camp where delegates stay at the end of the program, and facilitate a meaningful experience for all Japanese guests. Applications are due by June 1. Apply on mwce.website.

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